A Hidden Benefit of Exercise
There is a hidden benefit to exercise that I think many people forget.
When I am exercising, I am not focusing on my problems. I’m attempting to get my mind to focus on what my body is doing. Working both in harmony.
Research published in the National Institute of health in 2019 by Behav Ther says that the average person worries 34.3 times a day. How can we reduce that?
When I am rock steady boxing at the D1 gym in Watkinsville I am not thinking about my problems. I am focusing on the techniques and execution of the exercise.

When I am practicing Heian Godan (Karate) I am in the present moment focusing on the technique, the movement, the breathing, and what the body is doing, not my problems.
平安五段 (Heian Godan)
When I’m doing Ba duan gin (Qigong) I’m not focusing on my problems.
Baduanjin qigong (八段錦)
When I’m practicing Rou Quan (a Kung fu form) I am not focusing on my problems.
Shaolin Chan Gong Rou Quan 少林禅功柔拳
I think I see a pattern forming.
There is of course a time and a place to consider difficulties, but not all the time and not at the wrong time and place.
Focus more on what you want: joy, peace, patience, gratitude, health and less on the problems, then you may find they start to get smaller.
Exercise has a hidden benefit of helping me to forget the problems, focus on the positive and live more in the present moment with gratitude. Start to integrate your mind and your body, (we tend to live disintegrated).
(For more information about “Rock Steady boxing for Parkinson’s call D1 gym 706-690-4162)
This is David Jones wishing you the ability to focus on your health, hope, fitness, and freedom.
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